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Seitei Jodo


Zen Nihon Kendō Renmei Jōdō, or Seitei Jōdō in short, is a modern form of  jōjutsu created by Japanese martial artist Shimizu Takaji and presented to the All Japan Kendo Federation in 1968.The art contains twelve kata (forms) and

were developed in part by Shimizu Takaji and by a committee tasked with the creation of a compact Jōdō system

to be taught mainly in Kendo dojos. The result was the Zen Ken Renmei Seitei Jōdō system containing twelve kata

and twelve kihon (basic techniques).


Both the basic techniques and forms are drawn primarily from the koryu martial art Shinto Muso-ryu.




12 basic techniques practiced Tandoku dosa (solo) and in Sotai dosa (pairs)


Honte Uchi

Gyakute Uchi

Hikiotoshi Uchi

Kaeshi Tsuki

Gyakute Tsuki

Maki Otoshi




Tsukihazushi Uchi

Dobarai Uchi

Taihazushi Uchi



12 slightly modified kata drawn from Shinto Muso-ryu Jōdō including 2 kata created specifically for Seitei Jodo


  • Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Seitei Jodo Kata names

    • Tsukizue

    • Suigetsu

    • Hissage

    • Shamen

    • Sakan

    • Monomi

    • Kasumi

    • Tachiotoshi

    • Raiuchi

    • Seigan

    • Midaredome

    • Ranai



Seitei Jōdō is essentially a gendai martial art with modern grades attached to the All Japan Kendo Federation. The dan/kyu system is used for everyone.

The koryu training licenses as found in Shinto Muso-ryu, (Oku-iri, Shomokuroku, Gomokuroku and Menkyo Kaiden), is not used in Seitei Jōdō. Seitei Jodo uses the same 10 dan ranks as in Iaido. The Seitei-system includes renshi, kyoshi, and hanshi ranks, although a Seitei Jodo practitioner can of course achieve ranks in Shinto Muso-ryu as well.


Training gear

Jō - The Staff

The All Japan Kendo Federation specifies that the Jō should be 128 cm in length, with a diameter of 2.4 cm and be made from red or white oak

Tachi (Ken) - The sword

A standard bokken just like in Iaido is used in the Jodo katas.



The clothing for Jodo is the same as used in  Iaido or Kendo.


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